On the eve of Nowruz, we will announce the activities of Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic activists in their own languages

This common pain can never be treated separately!

On the eve of Nowruz, we will announce the activities of Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic activists in their own languages.

From the 20th of March(the first day of Iranian New year), 6rang will produce all its news, educational information and videos in 4 languages: Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish and Persian. Of course, the continuation of English will be used for our international activities and Persian will remain our common language.

It is important for many families, individuals, professionals, and advocates to address discrimination against us and other clients based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual characteristics in order to ask questions.

There is a huge lack of common language to convey information and collective awareness to the farthest and most diverse sections of society and those who are not necessarily Persian speakers. However, there are many people in need of this information and knowledge produced.

The lives of many gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents depend on their families accepting their orientation and identity. This will not happen unless we can communicate directly with each other through the language of these families. This necessity led many colleagues who suffer from multilayered social discrimination such as belonging to ethnic groups, having a disability or belonging to the exploited classes to discuss the idea of creating multilingual social networks after a period of educational work. Trial and error and attracting the suggestions of their audiences, from today, they will implement it by creating Instagram pages of 6rang in Turkish, Kurdish , Arabic and similar sections in the 6rang website.

This is the first time that an institution belonging to the Queer community, with a comprehensive understanding of the entanglement of social discrimination, has opened such an important window for growth and awareness of other languages alongside Persian, and social solidarity and empathy between different oppressed and discriminated groups promotes and strives to expand. Henceforth, no Turkish mother will have to send her questions in Persian, no Kurdish father will have to listen to an explanatory video in Persian to understand his child, and no Arab sister or mother will have to read the texts of our posts in Persian. Therefore, the sense of belonging, the sense of the presence of a large part of the non-Persian community, which is constantly ignored will return to us.

To successfully make this great project, we need continuous, compassionate help and participation from all of you. All of you who better express your feelings and needs in your native language. All of you whose mother tongue is not necessarily Persian. 6rang ethnic collaborators, invite all of you, our fellow speakers, to send us news and translations of content that is of interest to you. Help us to create a rich archive on sexual and gender justice issues in Kurdish, Arabic and Turkish, in addition to culturalizing in a variety of languages. 

We have come out in solidarity with all those who have been marginalized, discriminated against and oppressed, with the slogan of equality and equal distribution of power and wealth for all. We see this solidarity as a precondition for democracy and the elimination of pressure and repression on the community of sexual and gender minorities. We shake your hand to succeed in this way.

Visit the 6rang website or our other social platforms in your native language. Strive to improve its content and know 6rang as your own as always. We kindly ask mainstream media to help reflect these diverse voices more and more, and we want human rights organizations and media belonging to non-Persian ethnic groups to reflect our voice. We want to be on a constatnt support by our own language media now that we are on the battlefield with our own language.

For nearly 12 years, 6rang has been waging an organized struggle to raise awareness, spread just discourses, and combat social discrimination and hatred against the Iranian LGBTQ+ Community (gay, bisexual, and transgender people).

We believe that future developments will be in line with the demands of the Iranian welfare society. These demands must be shouted in different languages, in this way everyone can participate and join our mission.

Long live freedom, long live solidarity.

6rang (The Iranian Lesbian and Transgender Network

March 17, 2022

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